Responsive Web Design Parramatta

by | Web Design Parramatta

In this article we will delve into what responsive web design is and how it can be used to elevate your Sydney business online.


The best part?

With mobile usage 63% compared to desktops 27% in 2017, responsive web design is a must have for all business and personal websites.

That’s not all…

We will help you attract and retain your ideal customer equalling in more business.

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Responsive Web Design Parramatta

The world is witnessing an ever-increasing growth in technology. These technological advancements have led to the introduction of various tools for accessing the Internet.

Apart from desktop computers, mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets are taking the lead in terms of their use in Internet access.

Business owners are left with the task of ensuring their websites are responsive to all mobile devices and desktops.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design refers to a method of designing a website in such a way that pages can be viewed by a variety of devices, including smart phones, tablets and desktops.

There are many mobile devices, all with different browsers and different screen sizes. As such, the website’s layout needs to be designed to enable access to different kinds of devices apart from desktop computers.

Responsive web design addresses the users’ needs and the devices they use to access the website.

In simple terms, responsive web design aims at ensuring that website pages are accessible to a wide range of devices, including smart phones and tablets.

How Responsive Web Design Works

How exactly does responsive web design work? The following three components will break this down for you;

  1. Fluid Grids – This refers to grid systems that scale up and down depending on the screen size of the users’ device. This is unlike systems with a fixed width that remain the same despite changes in screen sizes. This ensures than elements to be displayed change their sizes proportionately.
  2. Media Queries – When browsers become narrower, they develop challenges that cannot be accomplished by fluid grids. This creates the need for media queries. Media queries give websites the ability to collect data from its visitors and apply CSS style when the browser’s window gets below a specified width using the min-width feature.
  3. Flexible Images – This involves images loading in their original size if the view port can accommodate its width. If the browser is narrower, the CSS will direct the automatic resizing of the images.

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Responsive Web Design Sydney

Why Is Responsive Web Design Important For Sydney Businesses?

Responsive web design has immense benefits to any business website. Some of these benefits include:

  • Considering that a majority of internet users use mobile devices to surf the Internet, a website’s accessibility through mobile devices will lead more traffic to the website, and hence more customers.
  • It eliminates the need to operate two different websites i.e. one for mobile use and another for desktop use. This will cost the business less both in terms of time and money.
  • It enables visitors to have a good user experience and one that is consistent across a number of devices. This will have the potential of branding the business as more professional in the eyes of visitors. The effect is the conversion of these visitors into customers.
  • Search engines’ algorithms favour websites with a mobile-friendly interface. This makes the website more visible to search engines.
  • With the increased popularity of social media, it can be a good way to let people know about your business.
  • Most people access their social media accounts via mobile devices. Therefore, websites with a responsive web design can capitalise on this to market themselves and their products.



This article stresses the need for responsive web design. The importance of responsive web design makes it a must-have for any Western Sydney businesses from Parramatta through Blacktown to Penrith.

Business websites that are difficult to access through devices other than laptops and desktop computers are missing out on a lot of business opportunities.

To ensure a good flow of traffic to your website, you should consider seeking the assistance of experts to work on your responsive website.

Looking for a Responsive Website Design in Sydney? Contact Us to Get Started…

Read about the importance of Mobile Website Design Sydney

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